PTSD Treatment and Trauma Therapy in Pennsylvania
I’ve tried trauma therapy before and it just doesn’t “work” for me.
I’m in therapy and nothing has seemed to change.
How come therapy works for everyone else but me? Am I broken?
These are the questions I hear from 90% of people with trauma during their Intro Call. The first thing I want to really emphasize is that You are not alone in feeling this way. Secondly, It is not your fault therapy isn’t working for you. Lastly, You are not doomed to feel like this forever!
You might be thinking, well this is all nice and dandy but how the hell am I gonna get better?? This is where we come in. Most people coming to us having tried therapy multiple times with little to no change. Why is that? Because traditional talk therapy doesn’t actually help you heal from trauma. In order to truly feel more in control of your relationships, work life, and emotions, we first have to teach your body how to actually feel, process, and discharge the stress it holds. Sure, talk therapy is helpful to develop a better understanding and awareness of how your trauma impact you. But when you find yourself triggered after a fight with your partner, the things that were said in talk therapy seem to have disappeared.
What is trauma then??
Growing up most of us are taught trauma is a singular event where immediate safety is threatened. For example, getting into a serious car accident. And yes, getting into a car accident can be traumatic, however, I think it’s important for us to start having deeper conversations about what trauma is and how it shows up in our day-to-day life. So let’s start by defining trauma.
Trauma is the way your brain inadequately processes disturbing and distressing events impacting your ability to function at previous capacities. In layman's terms, trauma happens when your body perceives an experience as threatening. Your body uses this experience in the future to determine a threat, whether it’s perceived or real. Our brain is built to adapt to life and the stress life throws at it. When trauma occurs, it throws a wrench in your brain, making it so your brain no longer knows how to adapt to certain life stressors. It’s like your brain has been calibrated incorrectly and in doing so it sends messages that you’re in danger when there is no present danger. Or, it’s like pulling a fire alarm when there is no fire. It sends your body into survival mode. Trauma is also not discriminatory. It doesn’t matter if you grew up in the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania or in the suburbs. It doesn’t care about your race, gender, or abilities. It impacts us all.
Types of Trauma we see in University City, Center City, West Philadelphia, Philadelphia, and Pennsylvania
There are different types of trauma including Acute, Chronic, Complex, Intergenerational, and Racial.
Acute Trauma: the impact of a singular event that is perceived as dangerous and/or distressing. This includes but isn’t limited to events such as childbirth, car accidents, sexual assault, physical assault, or the loss of a loved one.
Chronic Trauma: the impact of consistent, prolonged, and/or repeated exposure to distressing events. This includes childhood abuse (physical, sexual, verbal, neglect), bullying, workplace harassment, community violence, domestic violence)
Complex Trauma: the impact of several traumatic events (whether acute or chronic). This could look like a child experiencing neglect at home, bullying at school, and community violence.
As every therapist will tell you, healing involves discomfort. But so is refusing to heal. And over time, refusing to heal is always more painful.
– Resmaa Menakem
How PTSD and Trauma can show up in your daily life:
Intense anxiety over seemingly small stressors
Attachment issues (pushing people away or clinging on to people)
Consistent feelings of failure, inadequacy, not being enough, and powerlessness, etc.
Other mental health conditions such as Borderline Personality D/o, Addiction, Depression, Anxiety, and Eating disorders
Sleep disturbances (sleeping too much or not enough)
Inability to form meaningful connections with others.
Poor concentration, inability to perform well at work/school.
Intense mood swings
Dissociation (“zoning out”)
Suicidal thoughts and/or self-harm
Low self-esteem
Somatic symptoms (headaches, fatigue, etc.)
*this list isn’t all-inclusive and there may be other symptoms related to trauma.
Revive Therapy takes pride in supporting community members in University City, Center City, West Philadelphia, Philadelphia, and Pennsylvania.
“Traumatized people chronically feel unsafe inside their bodies: The past is alive in the form of gnawing interior discomfort. Their bodies are constantly bombarded by visceral warning signs, and, in an attempt to control these processes, they often become expert at ignoring their gut feelings and in numbing awareness of what is played out inside. They learn to hide from their selves.”
— Bessel A. van der Kolk, The Body Keeps the Score
Trauma’s Impact on your physical health in Pennsylvania
Trauma doesn't just affect your mental health; it can also have a big impact on your physical well-being. Whether it's a one-time traumatic event or ongoing exposure to traumatic experiences, trauma can have serious consequences for your body. Here are some ways trauma can affect your physical health:
Chronic pain: Trauma can make chronic pain worse or even cause it in the first place. It messes with the way your brain processes pain signals, making you more sensitive and increasing your perception of pain. Conditions like fibromyalgia, tension headaches, and back pain are often linked to trauma.
Heart problems: Trauma can mess with your heart too, raising your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and even heart attacks. When you go through something traumatic, your body's stress response system kicks into high gear, and if it stays activated for a long time, it can mess with your heart.
Stomach troubles: Trauma can wreak havoc on your digestion, leading to problems like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), ulcers, and other gastrointestinal issues. Your brain and gut have a close relationship, and trauma can disrupt that connection, causing digestive problems and ongoing tummy troubles.
Weak immune system: Trauma can mess up your immune system, making it harder for your body to fight off infections and leaving you more susceptible to autoimmune disorders. Plus, all that stress from trauma can cause inflammation and throw your immune system out of whack.
Sleep problems: Trauma often messes with your sleep, making it hard to fall asleep, stay asleep, or get restful sleep. This can take a toll on your physical health, leading to fatigue, weakened immune function, trouble thinking clearly, and a higher risk of accidents.
Substance abuse: Sometimes, people who have experienced trauma turn to drugs or alcohol as a way to cope with the emotional pain. But substance abuse can wreak havoc on your body, causing organ damage, a weakened immune system, and a higher risk of overdose.
Hormonal imbalances: Traumatic experiences can throw off your hormones, which can lead to all sorts of problems. You might experience irregular periods, reproductive issues, thyroid disorders, and other hormone-related health concerns.
Remember, not everyone who goes through trauma will experience these specific health problems, and everyone's experience is different. But it's important to recognize that trauma can impact your physical health too. Taking care of both your mental and physical well-being is crucial for recovery.
Let’s take a second and talk about medical trauma in Philadelphia!
Imagine a scenario where life takes an unexpected turn, hurling you into the depths of adversity. You find yourself in the emergency room at Penn Presbyterian Medical Center or really any of the big hospitals in Philadelphia (We are talking about Pennsylvania Hospital, Hospital of The University of Pennsylvania, or Thomas Jefferson University Hospital) and all of a sudden your life changes in one instant. It might manifest as a grave illness, a harrowing injury, or a sudden encounter with emergency medical procedures. In an instant, the foundation of your existence crumbles, replaced by a wave of emotions you never anticipated. Medical Trauma is a very real thing that isn’t talked about as much as it should be!
Trapped on an Unforgiving Ride
Medical trauma is akin to being trapped on an unforgiving rollercoaster ride—one that lacks the exhilarating loops and spirals. Instead, it subjects you to a turbulent whirlwind of fear, uncertainty, and a sense of helplessness. Confronted with a grave medical condition or a life-threatening situation, your emotions spiral out of control as if you've been thrust into a realm beyond your command.
Invasive Procedures
Let us delve into the realm of invasive procedures, a realm most disconcerting. Picture being subjected to piercing prods, invasive explorations, and an unsettling sense of being a mere subject in a scientific experiment. Yet, the distress extends beyond physical discomfort, permeating the depths of your being, leaving an indelible emotional mark reminiscent of a startling jump scare in a cinematic thriller. No one willingly volunteers for such an unsettling medical spectacle.
Medical Errors and Complications
We cannot overlook the unsettling realm of medical errors and complications. While such mishaps are an unfortunate reality, their impact on personal well-being can feel like a profound betrayal. When one's health and well-being hang in the balance, questions arise, challenging the very foundation of trust in the healthcare system. It is during these moments that one might exclaim, "Is this some twisted narrative? Can we not have a different storyline?"
Extended Hospital Stays
And what about the arduous journeys through extended hospital stays? Clad in hospital attire, isolated from loved ones, and caught in the monotonous routine of hospital life, one can easily feel like an inhabitant of an alternate universe where time stands still. Boredom becomes an unwelcome companion, exacerbating the sense of being trapped within the confines of an unfamiliar and surreal reality.
Chronic Pain and Illness
Let us not forget the valiant warriors locked in a perpetual battle against chronic pain or enduring long-term medical conditions. Their struggles often remain invisible to the untrained eye, as they confront an adversary that refuses to relent. The relentless pain weaves its way into every aspect of their lives, forging an unending loop of hopelessness, anxiety, and desolation. Such a disheartening tale might lead one to cry out, "Cut! Can we please rewrite this script?"
There is Hope and Healing.
Nevertheless, within the shadows of adversity, a glimmer of hope persists. You are not alone in your suffering! Healing is possible and with the right interventions and support you will be able to start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel! Seeking guidance from healthcare professionals, mental health experts, and fellow survivors are going to be key for your healing journey.
The Benefits of Therapy for Medical Trauma in Philadelphia, Delaware county, Montgomery county, and Bucks County
Therapeutic interventions serve as invaluable allies in this quest, employing techniques such as cognitive-behavioral therapy or eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. These therapeutic tools empower individuals to reframe their experiences, reclaim control, and forge a path toward emotional restoration. In some cases, pharmacological intervention may be necessary to effectively manage the tumultuous emotions encountered. Moreover, self-care practices, which involve engaging in activities that bring joy, fostering meaningful connections, and embracing one's resilience, become essential pillars on this journey of recovery.
To all those warriors grappling with medical trauma, remember this: You are not alone, and your strength exceeds your perception.
How do you know you’re ready to heal from trauma in Philadelphia?
As trauma therapists in Philadelphia, we would say we don’t know if anyone fully feels “ready” to heal from their trauma(s). For many people, the trauma they’ve been through is impacting their lives so much that something has gotta give. For others, they are in a place where they might be feeling stagnant and they want to better themselves by working through the things holding them back. You shouldn’t have to wait until you feel 100% confident you can start working on healing, because, unfortunately, many of us won’t ever get to that 100%. If you’re reading this right now, you are ready to start working through some stuff. That in a nutshell is a good indicator you're wanting something to change. It’s a leap of faith, but PTSD treatment and trauma therapy in Philadelphia is worth it!
How can PTSD treatment and trauma therapy in Philadelphia, PA make this easier?
It is HARD work to heal from trauma. Not only is it emotionally taxing, but it is also mentally and physically draining. I’m not saying this to scare you, but to just be real with you. So how can you best prepare yourself for PTSD treatment and trauma therapy in Pennsylvania? Well, ideally we would want you to have some sense of stability. Whether this means having stability in your job, relationships, and/or day-to-day structures. We also acknowledge that having stability is a privilege, especially nowadays. If stability isn’t something that is accessible, the first goal of trauma therapy would actually be to start working on creating stability.
On top of stability, having a solid support system is beneficial. Everyone’s support system will look different, but it’s helpful to have a few trusted people you can lean on and receive support. Lastly, as your trauma therapist, I recommend looking at your daily habits and asking yourself if there is anything you can do to support yourself. This would look like making sure you’re getting quality sleep, eating nourishing and enjoyable food, and engaging in some sort of movement that is enjoyable for you.
PTSD Treatment and Trauma Therapy in Philadelphia is for Everyone!
Trauma shows up in different ways in our lives. As a trauma therapist in Pennsylvania, providing support for BIPOC populations and people of color matters. The everyday microaggressions, stressors, and racial trauma take a toll. It adds up and can create burnout, anxiety, depression, and more. Revive Therapy in Pennsylvania is a safe space for you to be heard, heal, and recover. Although we cannot solve racism and microaggressions in our sessions, we can help you process the things that have held you back and kept you silent. Your voice is valid in therapy and I am here to hold space for your experiences in a nonjudgmental environment. If you’re ready to begin services, please reach out. I would be honored to walk alongside your healing journey. Call now and begin trauma therapy or EMDR therapy soon!
“There is no timestamp on trauma. There isn’t a formula that you can insert yourself into to get from horror to healing. Be patient. Take up space. Let your journey be the balm.”
– Dawn Serra
Begin PTSD Treatment and Trauma Therapy in Philadelphia, PA for Support!
Trauma is something we are dealing with sometimes, but when it holds you back from living your life fully, it’s time to get help. Whether you’re dealing with trauma that has been impacting you over a lifetime, or from a big life event, I can help. I am here to hold space for your experiences with no judgment. When you begin working in PTSD treatment and trauma therapy with Revive Therapy in Pennsylvania, you will work with Hannah Guy, your online trauma therapist. When you’re ready to get started, follow these simple steps:
Begin finding hope and healing!
Other Services at Revive Therapy Services for those who reside in University City, West Philadelphia, Center City, Philadelphia, and Pennsylvania.
Getting therapy support is perfectly OK! You deserve a space to talk through life events that may be holding you back. Whether this is your first time in therapy or you’ve been here before, I am here to help you process, work through, and move toward your goals in a healthy and sustainable way. If you’re looking for other services at Revive Therapy in Pennsylvania, I offer other services. This includes Eating disorder treatment, body image issues, binge eating, and more. I offer support with EMDR therapy if you’re in need of more specialized support. Additionally, all services are offered In-Person or online in Pennsylvania. When you’re ready for support we are here for you! Call now!