Navigating Summer with Body Dysmorphia

Woman in white and red dress posing. Body dysmorphia is complex and takes time to heal from. This summer if you are dealing with body image issues there is support for you. Call now for body image therapy!

Ah, summertime. Most people are thrilled winter is over and they’re able to hit the beach or spend nights hanging out with friends outside. However, for those with body image issues, summer can be one of the toughest and most triggering times of the year.

Another layer that adds to the difficulty of summer is most people are excited about summer which can create frustration, anxiety, and even jealousy in someone who struggles with body dysmorphia. These emotions come from a space where you feel like you should be enjoying summer like everyone else.

How can we make this summer even just a little bit different than all the summers before? Does it mean going on a diet and working out 7 days a week? Hell no! I’m sure you’ve tried that before and how did that end up for you? I’m assuming not so great.

There is no perfect answer to overcome body dysmorphia

Before giving you some tips to better navigate summer, I first want to highlight that none of these tips are going to be the miracle that makes you start loving your body. There is no quick fix to this. I know society has told you over and over again that there must be a quick fix, but they’re lying. The quick fix society promises may provide temporary relief, but it will not provide you with sustainable and long-term change.

Wear clothes that are actually comfortable and fit.

It can be really challenging to let go of old summer clothes that aren’t fitting the way they used to. We feel pressure to do something so we can drop X amount of pounds so that we can feel comfortable. You deserve to feel comfortable now in the body you are already in! Go shopping and buy clothes that fit and you know you will feel comfortable in them. Now is not the time to try to expand your wardrobe by purchasing items that make you feel more uncomfortable and vulnerable. Save that for another time.

Woman in floral swimsuit. If you are dealing with body anxiety or body image issues this summer, you are not alone. Many people deal with body dysmorphia . Talking with a body image therapist may help. Email soon for support!

Practice radical acceptance

Radical acceptance is an idea that originally came from Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT). It is when we stop fighting the reality of what we are experiencing and accept that things are tough. By doing this we are able to move past the “shoulds,” “just,” and other thoughts that make us feel like we are less than. We also are trying to do this with as much compassion and kindness as possible.

Let’s use an example: Over the winter, Sasha has gone up 2-3 pant sizes. This is causing her a ton of panic and anxiety. She feels like a failure and is tempted to start crash dieting. If she were to practice radical acceptance, she would acknowledge that she did in fact gain weight and that it is making her upset. She would validate that this is stressful for her and that she is tempted to try to lose all of the weight. However, she would stop at that. She would try to not beat herself up about gaining weight and she would not go on that diet. Radical acceptance sometimes feels like you’re just giving in. However, what happens over time is you will find more freedom from the things that are weighing you down.

Focus on what your body can do, not what it looks like

This is definitely a practice in gratitude. When we are intentionally looking to see how the glass is half full, it rewires our brain to start naturally seeing things half full instead of half empty. Your body is not a failure. It has shown up for your day in and day out, even on the days where you’ve been the biggest asshole towards it. Even if you are struggling with health issues or are disabled, your body is the vessel in which you experience life. It’s not going to be glamourous or fun all the time, but it is trying its best for you.

Don’t criticize other people’s bodies

Plus sized women in pool hugging. If you need support with body image depression, body anxiety, or body dysmorphia in Pennsylvania, let's work together. Healing and self-compassion can be developed in body image therapy!

You can’t learn to accept your body if you don’t accept others’ bodies. This only exacerbates body dysmorphia. When you spend time judging others’ bodies, you are reinforcing the neuron network in your brain that believes certain bodies are worse than others. When we take time to catch ourselves when we start judging someone, it slowly builds a different neuron network that will help you see all bodies, including yours, in a more neutral way.

Focus on caring for your body

You don’t have to love your body to care for it. This is what body neutrality is. I know society has pushed that loving yourself is the starting place for you to better care for yourself. Actions speak louder than words. Sometimes it is okay if we don’t fully love ourselves. We can make the decision to care for ourselves despite this. Caring for your body on a consistent basis will eventually lead to self-love

Stop dieting.

This might be the hardest thing to do, but it is one of the most important things that will help you in the long run. As stated above, dieting will potentially relieve current distress. At the end of the day, it won’t solve the deep wounds that lie underneath your body dysmorphia. In fact, it will just make those wounds deeper.

Start Managing Body Dysmorphia with a Skilled Therapist in Pennsylvania!

Our bodies deserve to be taken care of even if we are struggling with body dysmorphia and self-compassion. If you need support developing a more body-neutral approach, then working in body image therapy with Revive Therapy in Pennsylvania, may help. Here, you will work with Hannah Guy, your online body image therapist. When you’re ready to get started, follow these simple steps:

  1. Contact Revive Therapy

  2. Meet your body image therapist, Hannah Guy

  3. Start Loving Yourself More!

Other Services at Revive Therapy

Needing to say “ I need help”, is a step in the right direction. We are in the community for a reason. An online therapist can help you begin to heal and thrive again. At Revive Therapy in Pennsylvania, we offer other therapy services such as PTSD treatment and trauma therapy, eating disorder treatment, body image issues, binge eating, and more. I offer support with EMDR therapy if you’re in need of more specialized support. Additionally, all services are offered via online therapy in Pennsylvania. When you’re ready for support. Call now!


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