Revive Therapy Services

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Managing Mental Health

Mental health issues can be such a tricky son of a bitch. Not just because it can make your life miserable but because it can feel more difficult to treat than a medical issue. Don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of medical issues that are awful, but for many people, there is actual evidence of what the exact issue is. If you go to the doctor with a broken leg, they’ll take an x-ray which will show the break, put you in a cast, and tell you to come back in 6 weeks after your leg has healed.

Mental health is not as straightforward.

You can’t just show up to an online therapist in Pennsylvania, get a solid treatment plan, and then expect everything to get better in 6 weeks. Most mental health conditions such as bipolar disorder, depression, and anxiety have more subjective symptoms and can be harder to diagnose. I’ve worked with plenty of individuals where it has taken years to get the right diagnosis and medication.

If only we had a magic box with coping strategies for mental health that made it go away

I think everyone would love it if they could snap their fingers and their PTSD or OCD could be cured. Even with consistent treatment, most progress isn’t linear; there are many ups and downs. You could get to a place where you no longer have depressive symptoms and then 3 years later your depression comes back. It can actually be pretty frustrating, nerve-wracking, and scary for people who have worked so hard to get better, only to see that they have to deal with the things they’ve worked so hard to avoid.

As a mental health therapist

When I talk with people about coping strategies for mental health in Pennsylvania, I’m trying to empower them to see that a lot of what they do in life can impact their mental health in either a positive or negative way. Of course, there is a biological component we have limited control over, but we do have more control over our actions. Managing mental health is what we can do to prevent our mental health from deteriorating further as well as improving our overall quality of life. We can do this by looking at our life through a more holistic lens. It’s bigger than just taking your meds every day and going to online therapy in Pennsylvania once a week.

What’s your daily structure look like?

Having structure is a big factor in creating stability. I know it’s not glamorous but it definitely can make or break your mental health. Creating structure looks different for everyone; it could look like having every hour planned or just having a large to-do list. Lack of structure typically leads to worsening mental health symptoms.

Taking care of the basics

When we are struggling the most, the things that feel like they should be “simple” become really hard. When those “simple” things start to fall away, it can really reak havoc on your mental health. These things include taking your medication, sleep hygiene, nutrition, showering, brushing your teeth, putting on clean clothes etc. Making these things a priority will make a big difference in improving and/or managing your mental health symptoms. This is crucial to address first before trying to find other coping strategies for mental health. Without it, we would only be placing a bandaid on the issue.

Use your support system

It is pretty rare to see someone use their support system on a consistent basis. When you’re struggling it can be difficult to admit you need support; even the idea of asking for help from your support system seems impossible. You can’t get through this alone, nor should you. I realize that it is a privilege to even have a support system. So if you don’t have the support system you need, it doesn’t mean you can’t find it. If you are struggling to find a support system, I encourage you to start by looking into local or online support groups.

Move your body as one strategy for mental health

I don’t think I have to go too into detail with this because it’s well known that exercise creates endorphins which can help improve your mood. I do want to highlight that exercise is going to look different for everybody. No, you don’t need to go to the gym 5x a week. It’s more important to move your body in ways that feel good for you. That may mean going for a walk around your neighborhood, stretching in the morning, taking a spin or yoga class with a friend. Whatever feels right and good for you is what you should focus on continuing.

Financial Stability

I’m gonna start off by saying having financial stability is such a privilege and I understand not everyone is able to have financial stability. However, I think it’s important to discuss finances because they really can impact our mental health. Financial stability looks different for everyone but a good rule of thumb is to try to have at least 3 months of living expenses saved in a high yields savings account. Why is this especially important if you struggle with mental health? Because there could be a time when you may not be able to make the income you typically make due to worsening mental health. Therapy in Pennsylvania is also expensive, even if you have insurance many providers don’t take insurance. Having a savings account so you can receive quality mental health treatment can be a game-changer!

Need support with additional strategies for mental health in Pennsylvania? Let’s talk!

Sometimes we are so caught up in our struggles we forget how to cope, or maybe we never had any strategies for coping with mental health in Pennsylvania. It may be time to get support if you’re feeling stuck and immoveble. At Revive Therapy in Pennsylvania, you will work with Hannah Guy, your online therapist. When you’re ready to get started, follow these simple steps:

  1. Contact Revive Therapy

  2. Meet your online therapist, Hannah Guy

  3. Begin developing some helpful strategies for coping with mental health!

Other Services at Revive Therapy

Therapy is a safe space to talk about what is holding you back. If you are looking for a specific service, check out what we offer at Revive Therapy in Pennsylvania.. This includes PTSD treatment and trauma therapy, body image issues, binge eating, and more. I offer support with EMDR therapy if you’re in need of more specialized support. Additionally, all services are offered via online therapy in Pennsylvania. When you’re ready for support. Call now!